Master App Solutions Apps

Baby Journal: Child Growth, Mi 1.1.32+93959e7
Baby Tracker & Newborn Development. Create a Timeline withPhotos & Memories.
System Status Pro: Cell Activi 1.0.1
Network Analyzer, IP address & WiFi Connection, CPU, Disk Usage& Device info
Tasty - The Food Scanner 1.1.8
Chcete zjistit, které máslo obsahuje nejvíce tuku či naopak, kteráčokoláda jej obsahuje nejméně? Máte alergii na určitou složku vpotravině a chcete jednoduše zjistit, zda je v produktu přítomna?Nakupujete pro celou rodinu a ztrácíte se v tom, kdo má a nemá corád? Rádi byste si o produktu přečetli názory jiných lidí předtím,než si ho koupíte? Toto vše a ještě více nyní přináší nová aplikaceTasty – The Food Scanner s databází několik desítek tisíc produktů,která se stále rozšiřuje. Stačí naskenovat čárový kód produktupomocí fotoaparátu vašeho mobilního telefonu. V tomto okamžikuTasty poskytne uživateli detailní informace o produktu pomocírůzných grafů,infografiky a strukturovaného textu. Aplikaceznázorňuje: • nutriční hodnoty a jejich porovnání s produkty stejnékategorie • složení produktu s možností získání dalších informací oaditivech a emulgátorech s grafickým znázorněním množstvízastoupení makroživin v produktu • alergen vyskytující se vproduktu • názory jiných lidí na produkt prostřednictvím komentářůa jejich hodnocení • individuální upozornění, která dohlížejí nato, zda produkt splňuje uživatelovy požadavky • fit indexu, kterýinformuje kolik námahy je nutné vynaložit při praktikování různýchsportů na spálení kalorií, které produkt obsahuje Individuálníupozornění je možné přizpůsobit pro sebe či pro celou rodinuprostřednictvím vytváření profilů. V nich si uživatel nadefinuje naco je alergický, co má nebo nemá rád, ze které země si produktynepřeje nakoupit, či například jakým poměrem nutričních hodnot majíjeho produkty disponovat. Kromě detailu produktu aplikace nabízísrovnávání naskenovaných produktů na základě: bílkovin, cukrů,tuků, sacharidů, energie a průměru z hodnocení uživatelů. Vneposlední řadě Tasty disponuje nákupním košíkem, který je možnosdílet s celou rodinou a přidávat do něj produkty jednoduchýmnaskenováním jejich čárového kódu.
LTE Cell Info: Network Analyze 1.1.5+4445b82
Carrier & Cellular Information, Speed test, Network scanner forLTE/4G/3G Signal
Dog Monitor by Annie: Pet Sitter & Cat Video Cam 1.4.1+0495371
An excellent & reliable Dog Monitor allows you to watch youranimals staying at home live on your phone. Don’t leave your dog orcat alone without the sitter, provide your pet with endless petcare. It's perfect, especially if you have a new puppy or kitten.Annie allows you to keep an eye on them without limits. Use it tocontrol up to 4 pets, simultaneously from an unlimited number ofowner units. Dog Monitor turns any two devices into an exceptionalpet sitter. FEATURES: LIVE VIDEO ▸You can see your pet anywhere,anytime thanks to the full-screen video camera in five differentquality levels. Feel free to use back or front camera of yourdevice and also the Night Light feature. Turn your regular camerato a special dog cam. RELIABILITY ▸The Annie Dog Monitor works viaWiFi, 3G, 4G or LTE networks. It reconnects automatically andquickly in case of WiFi outage. EASY TO USE ▸All you need are twodevices. One stays at home with your pet and the other one you keepalways with you – only one glance at your phone’s display and youknow immediately what’s going on at home. HIGH-QUALITY AUDIO ▸Youcan hear every bark, every meow and any other sound your animalmight make. Annie is an unique bark control tool. MULTI-OWNER &MULTI-PET ▸Monitor up to 4 pets in different rooms. The number ofowner units is limitless! SOOTHE YOUR PET ▸Talk to your animal anytime by pressing the microphone button. The Annie Dog Monitor neverlets your pet feel alone - you are always only a tap away. FASTCONFIGURATION ▸Fast and secure configuration using automatic devicesearch or QR invitation code takes less than 30 seconds. UNLIMITEDRANGE ▸A wide range of supported mobile networks brings youlimitless connectivity. Thanks to the Dog Monitor by Annie you stayconnected wherever you go, even where there is a weak WiFi signal.SECURE CONNECTION ▸All communication between the pet device and theowner device is securely encrypted. Industry standard encryption isused to ensure that only owners have access to their pet audiostream. BATTERY ALERT ▸Stay informed about the battery status onthe pet device. Always be alerted when the battery level dropsbelow 10% or an individually set value. ONE LICENCE PER FAMILY▸With the Dog Monitor by Annie, you only pay once and you are thenfree to use the application on several devices. WIDE SET OF OPTIONS▸Do you want to personalize some features? With the Dog Monitor byAnnie, you decide when your pet should be considered fine or howyou wish to be notified that your little one is too loud. DogMonitor is available for you to try out for free! You have a full30 minutes to experience how the Pet Monitor app can make your lifeeasier. Try it out now and let us know what you think! ___ Do youenjoy using the Dog Monitor by Annie? It would be nice if you couldrate us and leave a review – all feedback is welcome! If you haveany questions or suggestions, send us your feedback We look forward to hearing from you!Thank you for using and supporting Dog Monitor app☺
White Noise: Relax in the Dark 1.3.11+9ce95fe
Relax with the firefly and enjoy calming melodies.
LTE Network Monitor: Cell Info 1.1.5+4445b82
Network support & 4G, 3G, WiFi Device Utility Status
Baby Heartbeat Pulse Listener 1.0.2+d5072fa
Baby Heartbeat Pulse Listener is an appthatallows mothers and fathers all over the world to hear andrecordtheir baby’s heartbeat in the comforts of their own home andsharethe joy with their loved ones. There are no additionalaccessoriesneeded – simply remove the cover from your device andattach themicrophone to the lower abdomen area to get the bestresults. Allof your recordings are stored safely in the app and youcan revisitand share them anytime you want.Baby Heartbeat Pulse Listener also brings you an extensive guidetowalk you through your pregnancy week by week with informationaboutthe baby’s growth, changes going on inside the baby‘s body aswellas the changes happening to you – all with wonderful graphicsandan intuitive design.PLEASE NOTE: This is not a substitute for care from amedicalprofessional. Contact a licensed physician for yourprenatalcare.
Sure VPN: Unlimited Proxy Server & Secure Hotspot 2.1.0
Secure VPN proxy to your service. High VPN speedconnectionworldwide. Unblock websites with high protection andsecurity. SureVPN keeps all data private and anonymous. Would youlike to browsethe internet safely? Is there any TV show or movieyou woulddesperately like to watch but you can’t because it’s notpossiblein your country? Don’t worry; we have a solution calledSure VPN!DON’T WORRY ABOUT YOUR PRIVACY ▪ We are invested in yoursecurityand do our best to keep your phone and network perfectlysafe whileyou browse blocked pages. ▪ The app encrypts all yourinternettraffic and sensitive data. ▪ Field protection is included!▪ Weoffer you the most reliable privacy guard and safety shieldtunnelfor online browsing. ▪ Only you know what you do online withSureVPN. BE COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS WHILE BROWSING THE INTERNET ▪Wepromise you totally anonymous and protected actions while youuseour app. ▪ We don’t track what you do on your phone or ontheinternet. It’s not our business, it’s yours! ▪ Browseprivately,anonymously and freely. ▪ Connect to any unknown Wifinetworksafely. UNBLOCK WEBSITES ▪ Would you like to visit a pagethat isblocked in your country for some reason? No problem! ▪Access anyand all legal sites there are on the internet. ▪ Bypasscensorshipand geo-restrictions to access any website, app or video.▪ Enjoybrowsing without limits. CONNECT TO VPN SERVERS ▪ inAustralia ▪ inCanada ▪ in the USA ▪ in Germany ▪ in France ▪ inEngland ▪ inJapan ▪ in the Czech Republic GAIN UNLIMITED BUT FASTACCESS ▪ Surfforeign websites and watch movies, TV shows, videos orjust listento music without fearing a slow connection. ▪ We provideserversaround the globe so you can access your favorite sites withhighspeed. ▪ Unlimited sessions and range are commonplace. SECUREVPNCLIENT PROXY IS FASTER AND SAFER ▪ Sure VPN is definitely thebestVPN client for Android and unlimited proxy server tooptimizepersonal information security with private internet access.HOTSPOTPROTECTION ▪ Wherever you are in the world, walking throughvariousglobal sites is no problem at all. ▪ Fast Proxy serversworldwideand Wifi hotspots to your full satisfaction. GAIN A COOLWIDGET ONYOUR SCREEN ▪ Protect all your personal data when youconnect topublic Wi-Fi hotspots. ▪ You never have to worry aboutyour privacyagain with SureVPN. ▪ Do you love having all theinformation in oneplace? Perfect! We hope you enjoy our smartwidget. __ Enjoy SureVPN Client in the FREE TRIAL - 10 minutes or100 MB of free use! Weoffer subscriptions for a week, month oryear. *All subscriptionsare auto-renewable. Terms ofService: PrivacyPolicy: Keywords: Free VPN,VPNproxy, unlimited VPN, secure VPN, hotspot shield, VPN unblock
WiFi Analyzer: Internet Speed Test & Signal Meter 1.2.3+f4fc84b
Analyze and scan your network for free with WiFi Analyzer&Speed Tester! ✅ TEST YOUR WIFI SPEED ✅ ANALYZE DEVICES ONYOURNETWORK ✅ FIND THE SWEETSPOTS WITH FASTEST CONNECTION MainFeatures& Tools: ▶︎ SPEED TEST WiFi Analyzer & Speed Testerletsyou measure your internet speed with just one tap. The appgivesyou accurate results about your real download and uploadspeed. ▶︎PING Test the reachability of a host on an InternetProtocolnetwork. This function gives you an idea about the latencyto otherIPs. ▶︎ CONNECTION STATUS You get main network info asexternal IPaddress, gateway, and DNS server ▶︎ WIFI ANALYSIS WiFiAnalyzerwill give you all the information you need to know aboutyourinternet connection status. SSID, BSSID, IP address subnetmask,and vendor. ▶︎ CELL INFO All your cell information in oneplace -your network status and type, carrier ID and country, IPaddress,MCC and MNC, and VoIP support. ▶︎ VPN DETAILS The providedinfo isVPN connection status, provider name, IP address,​ andsubnet mask.▶︎ TRACEROUTE Network diagnostic commands fordisplaying the routeand measuring transit delays of packets acrossan Internet Protocolnetwork. Shows you the internet path from youto other IP location.▶︎ PORT SCAN Port scanner allows you toquickly find open ports onnetwork computers and retrieve versionsof programs running on thedetected ports. ▶︎ DNS LOOKUP DNS Lookuptool fetches all DNSRecords of a domain and shows as received. Ifyou changed yourhosting or DNS records, then this tool is for youto verify thatyour records are entered correctly to avoid anydowntime. Therecords fetched by this tool are A, AAAA, CNAME, MX,NS, PTR, SRV,SOA, TXT, CAA. Select any record which you want tocheck or selectANY to get all DNS records of your domain. ▶︎ WHOISData lookupWHOIS protocol enables users to access currentregistration data.The results displayed come directly from registryoperators and/orregistrars in real-time. ▶︎ WI-FI LAN SCANNERDiscover a fast andreliable way to detect all network devices andgain insight intotheir IP address and vendor name. ______ DownloadWiFi Analyzer& Speed Tester right now and gain a reliable speedtest tool aswell as detailed information about your internet &networks.Are you satisfied with WiFi Analyzer & Speed Tester?Please,take a moment and leave a review. Terms ofService:
Master Disk - Secure Cloud Storage & Drive 1.0.0+e935eb7
Master Disk provides you with secure online space for youreverydaylife. All your documents, photos or videos in one place -that’sMaster Disk. Stay organized with 5GB of free space!》FEATURES《▸Store files, documents, photos, and videos ▸Record voicerecordingstraight to the app ▸File documents in folders ▸Quicklyview yourcontent ▸See file details and information ▸Rename ordelete anyfile ▸Get up to 5GB of free space ▸Secured with a login
Numbo Caller ID & Call Blocker 1.17.4
GET ACCESS TO THE LARGEST SPAM NUMBERS DATABASE! No more scammersand spam calls! Numbo Caller ID & Call Blocker is a reliablescam shield that will get you rid of scam and spam calls once andfor all! Thanks to our large spam numbers database it eliminates upto 98% of spam calls. Numbo Caller ID & Call Blocker is thebest call filter that saves your time. Spam number got through?Report it and help other users! A trustworthy number got blocked?Allow it in settings! Tired of unwanted calls? Download NumboCaller ID & Call Blocker now and never pick up a spam callagain! Numbo Caller ID & Call Blocker is a reverse phone lookuptool that helps you identify & block - spam calls - scam calls- telemarketing calls - robocalls - unknown numbers Protect yourtime & block all unwanted numbers with call blocker Numbo! MAINFEATURES: - The largest spam numbers database - Reverse phonenumber lookup - Caller ID - Call blocker - Personal blocking list -Dual-SIM support THE LARGEST SPAM NUMBERS DATABASE The applicationcompares all your incoming calls with the numbers in our database.Our numbers database has over 52,000,000 unique phone numbers.Members of our community are adding new spam callers every day tohelp others protect themselves and their time. REVERSE PHONE NUMBERLOOKUP Missed a call from an unknown number? Use a reverse lookupfor searching any number before calling back. See if it is spam,scam, telemarketing, suspicious, or a trustworthy call. CALLER IDCall blocker Numbo identifies all incoming calls for you. Turn anunknown caller into a name and you will know instantly who is thereal caller and if you should answer. You can also choose to blockall spam calls in our database automatically. CALL DETECTORIdentify & block all unwanted calls. Modify your settings toblock the type of callers you want. You will never hear from thoseannoying telemarketers again. PERSONAL BLOCKING LIST Add numbers toyour blocking list. Choose if you want to identify them or blockthe call outright. You can also transfer your blocking list fromone phone to another with a Numbo account. DUAL-SIM SUPPORT Do youtravel a lot? Do you have 2 SIM cards on your phone? No worries.Numbo automatically works for both SIM cards and will identify allincoming calls. ____________________ TRY NUMBO CALLER ID & CALLBLOCKER FOR FREE You can try our call blocker for free and see ifit suits you. Go premium and get access to all features! You canchoose a monthly or annual subscription. Start a three days freetrial with an annual subscription now! If you cancel yoursubscription during a free trial you won’t be charged. The premiumaccount gives you: - access to the personal blocking list -unlimited number lookup - instant caller ID and many more coolfeatures! Block spam calls with Numbo Caller ID & Call Blocker!The best reverse phone lookup tool and reliable call protect.Privacy Policy: Terms of Use:
Home Security Camera: ZoomOn 5.11.4
Use old phones to monitor your home & create reliable homesecurity system.
Octocaller: Spam Blocker 1.13.1
Filter and block all unwanted or unknown spam numbers with a callerID app.
Nancy Baby Monitor: Video Cam 3.23.1+master.87fc1f738
Top baby care. Watch your child sleeps ⭐. Simple baby camera forcaring parents.
Annie Baby Monitor: Nanny Cam 5.10.0
The most reliable baby monitor & camera with intelligentfeatures (baby cam app)
Dog Monitor: Pet Video Cam 3.22.3+master.70cc69754
Best Puppy & Kitten Camera. Smart dog sitting and Cat care viaWiFi, 3G, LTE
Relax in the Dark 1.3.10+be972c2
Relax with the firefly and enjoy calming melodies
Baby Monitor 5G: Smart AI Cam 5.10.2
Intelligent Baby Monitor & Camera App for Tech-Savvy Parents
Dog Monitor Buddy & Pet Cam 5.11.4
Reliable Dog Camera, Pet Monitor & Puppy Cam. Smart careviaWiFi, 4G, 5G, LTE